75th ICREA Colloquium – On Data and Computational Science Approaches for Social Media and Social Simulation

  Speakers: Prof. Vassil Alexandrov (BSC) and Prof. Josep Casanovas (UPC) When: 14th March 2017, 18:00h Where: ICREA, Pg. Lluís Companys 23, 6th floor Abstract: Computational Science, an interdisciplinary field that melds basic sciences, mathematical modelling, quantitative analysis techniques and HPC (High Performance Computing) techniques, is integral in addressing the big problems in industries ranging from […]

ICREA-FIJC Conference “Across Tumour Heterogeneity and Evolution in Cancer: From in Silico Studies to Clinical Impact”

  ICREA Conference Awards are specific, dedicated awards aimed at funding scientific events of the hottest, most advanced topics in research of all disciplines. ICREA Research Professors make their proposals for funding and a board of external advisors ranks them and grants the awards. The 2016 edition of the ICA has gone to http://www.icreafijcconference.com/ after fierce competition and a […]

73rd ICREA Colloquium – Managing an ERC grant, or how to prevent a research dream to become an administrative nightmare

  Speakers: Prof. Victoria Reyes (ICREA at ICTA-UAB) and Prof. Iñaki Ruiz (ICREA at CSIC-IBE) When: 20th of December 2016 at 6pm Where: ICREA, Pg. Lluís Companys 23, 6th floor   Abstracts: ​Victoria Reyes The European Research Council (ERC) provides funding opportunities for innovative, groundbreaking ideas at the frontier of science. Moreover, ERC encourages high-risk research, which […]

Jornada sobre “Lliçons de les Immunoteràpies del càncer per al tractament del VIH”

  L’Institut de Recerca de la Sida IrsiCaixa organitza la jornada “Lliçons de les Immunoteràpies del càncer per al tractament del VIH”  dins del programa ‘Cross-roads en recerca clínica aplicada en sida’. El coordinador d’aquest programa és el Professor d’Investigació ICREA a l’IrsiCaixa Javier Martínez-Picado. La sessió tindrà lloc el dimarts, 13 de desembre, a la Facultat de Medicina […]

“Envellir, una malaltia?” ICREA – CCCB Debates

  The last cycle of debates by ICREA Research Professors offered four talks on ageing and disease entitled ‘Envellir, una malaltia?’ Free entrance, but usually very full! Tuesday the 8th of November 2016, 18:30pm  “L’envelliment del cervell i les seves teràpies” Miguel Chillón (ICREA at UAB and VHIR) Auditorium of the CCCB Further information at L’envelliment […]

72nd ICREA Colloquium – Objective Chance and Quantum Randomness

  By: Antonio Acín (ICFO) and Carl Hoefer (UB) When: 27th September 2016, 18:00h Where: ICREA, Pg. Lluís Companys 23, 6th floor   Abstracts: Antonio Acín What can and cannot be said about randomness using quantum physics It is usually said that quantum physics is, contrary to classical physics, intrinsically random. The intrinsic randomness of quantum […]

Núria López-Bigas, Premi Banc de Sabadell

Nuria Lopez-Bigas (ICREA at UPF) received last night the prestigious Premi Banc de Sabadell a la Investigació Biomédica for her research on ellucidating the role of mutations in tumors. Nuria’s research offers tools to identify the relevant mutations in a tumor, among the many thousands of irrelevant, background noise of constant mutations that take place […]