Knighton, Tess
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Department Departament d'Art i Musicologia
Address 2 Edifici B. Facultat de Lletres.
music history
cultural history
Short biography
Tess Knighton holds MA and PhD degrees from the University of Cambridge and is an Emeritus Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge. From May 2011 she has been an ICREA Research Professor, until May 2020 at the Institució Milà i Fontanals (CSIC), and subsequently at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She held a Marie Curie Foundation grant (2012-6) for a research project on the urban musics of early modern Barcelona, and Spanish government grant (I+D) (2020-23)on the contribution of confraternities and guilds to the urban soundscape in the Iberian Peninsula, 1400-1700. She currently holds an ERC Advanced grant (2022-2027) on 'How Processions Moved' involving sensory and emotional history and DH tools. Her research interests embrace music and culture in the Iberian world from the 15th to the 17th centuries, and she has published widely in this field. She is Series Editor of the Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Music series for The Boydell Press.