Montserrat Pulido, Núria
Life & Medical Sciences
Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC)
Department Pluripotency for organ regeneration
Address 2 Baldiri Reixac 15-21
Regenerative Medicine
Pluripotent Stem Cells
Genome Editing
Short biography
My research activity was recognized with the prestigious ERC-Starting grant (call 2014) and the ERC Consolidator Grant (call 2020). I received >14 M€ in competitive projects. I published more than 80 papers in peer review journals (Cell, Cell Metabolism, Nature Materials, among others). I combine my research activity being Deputy Director [CMRB:2011-13 and IBEC:2018-today]. From January 2021 I have been selected in a competitive call as Coordinator of the Spanish Platform for Biobanks and Biomodels from the Institute of Health Carlos III (P_ISCIII_BB). From 2021 the P_ISCIII_BB is the national node of the European Infrastructure of research BBMRI-ERIC.