Sabaté Vizcarra, Neus
Engineering Sciences
Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona - Centre Nacional de Microelectrònica (CSIC - IMB-CNM)
Phone +34935947700
Department Micro and Nanosystems
Address Campus UAB
power MEMS
energy generation
organic electronics
paper devices
Short biography
I obtained my Degree in Physics in 1998 at the University of Barcelona (UB). After that, I joined UB Electronics Dep. to develop ionizing radiation detectors. After that I stayed at the LAAS-CNRS in Toulouse, where I discovered my passion for silicon-based microsystems (MEMS) technologies. In 1999, I started my PhD at the Microelectronics Institute of Barcelona (CSIC) where I developed silicon-based flow and gas sensors for industrial applications. After the obtaining of my PhD, in 2004 I joined the IZM Fraunhofer in Berlin where I played a key role in the development of a new technique for stress measurements in thin films for the microelectronics industry. In 2006 I started a research line in silicon microfabricated fuel cells at IMB-CSIC that has evolved until the biodegradable electrochemical power sources I develop today. In 2015 I founded the spin-off Fuelium, aimed to commercialize disposable paper batteries for single use applications, and became ICREA Professor.