Köhler, Meike
Life & Medical Sciences
Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont (ICP)
01 Jun. 2006 to 08 Sep. 2024
Email meike.kohler@icrea.cat
Department Evolució de la Història Vital
Address C/ de les Columnes, S/N, Edifici Z (ICP/ICTA)
life history evolution
evolution of ageing
body size evolution
bone and dental histology
Short biography
EDUCATION: 1982 - MSc of Sciences (Diplom), Univ Hamburg, Germany. 1988 - PhD Vertebrate Paleontology, Univ Hamburg, Germany. Positions: 2000-2006 - Researcher Inst Paleont Miquel Crusafont; 2006-current - ICREA Research Professor at Inst Cat Paleontologia; 2013-current - Ass.Prof Dep. BABVE UAB; 2006-2014 - Ass.Prof Dep. Ecology, Univ. Barcelona; AWARDS: 2010 “Premi Bartomeu Darder” Soc Nat Hist Balear; 2010; “Premio Paleonturología10” Int Award; 2010 “Research Excellence Prize 2010” Univ.Aut.Barcelona; 1999 “Premi Ciutat de Barcelona” Award of Barcelona City. PUBLICATIONS: Science; Nature; Trends Ecol Evol; Proc Natl Acad Sci USA; Current Biol; Proc R.Soc B; Scientific Reports; PLoS ONE; Peer J; C Biochem Physiol A; Brain Behav Evol; J. AnatOmy; Mam Biol; Geobios; Palaegeogr., Palaeoclimat., Palaeoecol.; J. Vert. Paleont; Biol.J.Linn Soc.; Lethaia; CR Palevol.; J Zool.; Integr. Zool.; Swiss J. Pal.; Zitteliana; J Human Evol; Am J Anthr; Folia Prim. etc.