Hardy, Karen
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
10 Oct. 2008 to 25 Sep. 2022
Phone +447809766164
Email khardy@icrea.cat
Department Prehistòria
Address Edifici B - Campus de la UAB
Pre-agrarian diet
use of plants
Mid-Holocene Scotland
Short biography
I joined ICREA in 2008. Following a PhD in the Institute of Archaeology, University College London, I worked on projects based in Hungary, Scotland and Papua New Guinea. From 1997-2005 I co-directed the Scotland's First Settlers project which explored the early post glacial environment and human population of North West Scotland. In 2005 I was awarded a Marie Curie OIF to visit the University of Sydney where I set up an international project to recover information and evidence for the role of plants in human evolutionary and pre-agrarian diets. My return phase took place at the University of York, UK. I am an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh.