Supèr, Hans
ICREA Research Professor at Universitat de Barcelona (UB).
Life & Medical Sciences
Short biography
2017-present: Director of ACAP; 2013-present: CTO Braingaze SL; 2009-2014: Director of the VISCA lab; 2005-present: Research Professor, ICREA; 2005-present: Assistant professor University of Barcelona; 2002-2005: Head of the Vision and Cognition-II group, NIN, KNAW, The Netherlands; 1999-2001: Senior postdoc, NIN, NWO, The Netherlands; 1997-1999: Postdoc in the lab of Prof. Dr. V. Lamme, NORI, The Netherlands; 1992-1996: PhD student in the lab of Prof. Dr. E. Soriano, University of Barcelona.
Research interests
My interest is studying the cognitive brain, To get a grasp of its immense complexity, I studied the development of the cortex and the functional organization of the neocortex. Current research focuses on neural circuit dynamics using computer simulations and cognitive behavior with psychophysical experiments. We described novel roles for fixational eye movements in cognitive processing. These studies support the idea that vision is an active process, which can be trained to improve cognitive behavior. The exploitation of these findings is protected by patents, which are licensed. Currently, my research investigates 1) the neural mechanism and function of vergence/synchrony, 2) clinical applications of Cognitive Vergence and eye synchrony, and 3) interactive eye-tracking games to improve cognitive behavior.