Supek, Fran
Life & Medical Sciences
Institut de Recerca Biomèdica (IRB Barcelona)
Phone +34934039942
Department Cancer Science programme
Address 2 C/ Baldiri Reixac, 10
computational biology
cancer genomes
gene function
machine learning
Short biography
Fran Supek is an ICREA professor based at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona). Fran leads the Genome Data Science laboratory ( dealing with statistical genomics of genetic disease esp. cancer evolution. Fran obtained a PhD in Molecular biology in 2010 from the U. of Zagreb, while working as an early-stage researcher at the RBI, Croatia. Following a postdoctoral stay at the Centre for Genomic Regulation as a Marie Curie fellow, in 2017 he started his group at IRB as a Ramón y Cajal fellow. Fran was the PI of ERC StG "HYPER-INSIGHT" and is PI on CoG "STRUCTOMATIC", on Horizon EU projects "DECIDER" and "LUCIA", coordinator of a CaixaResearch project "POTENT-IMMUNO", and an EMBO Young Investigator. Fran authored 55 research papers, of that 13 as first and 24 as senior/corresponding author (16/24 in top-10% journals incl Nat Genet, Sci Adv, Nat Commun, NAR etc.) and additionally 3 invited review articles, cited >11,600 times (H-index=34).