Bach Ariza, Àlex
Independent Researcher
Life & Medical Sciences
On leave
Short biography
Àlex holds a Master and a PhD in Dairy Science from the University of Minnesota. After a few years working as a research manager of a multinational company, Dr. Bach returned to academia as ICREA Research Professor and founded and directed (until 2017) the Department of Ruminant Production of IRTA. He has received several awards in recognition to his research activities , has spoken at more than 140 international congresses, is author or co-author of more than 150 peer-reviewed publications, more than 100 extension articles, and more than 20 books (or book chapters). He also holds 7 patents. He has served as a scientific expert in several committees of the European Food Safety Authority and has also served in the European Research Council. He is section editor and sits in the editorial boards of several scientific journals, and is member of various scientific committees.
Research interests
Àlex Bach conducts research in ruminant production systems. His research focuses on optimizing the growth curve of dairy replacement heifers, as well as their management and housing systems (group size, behavior, stocking densities...). He also uses mathematical models to simulate work flows of ruminant production systems with the aim of helping the decision-making process in dairy enterprises. In addition, Àlex conducts basic research to understand the physiology and metabolism of ruminants with especial emphasis on the impact of nutrition and management during early development and transition around calving on future metabolic function and health.